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Breakthrough in Quantum Computing: European and American Researchers Making Strides towards Commercial Viability

The field of quantum computing has been making headlines in recent years, with researchers around the world working to develop the technology and bring it closer to commercial viability. In Europe and America, a number of teams have made significant breakthroughs that are bringing quantum computing closer to becoming a reality.

At the University of Bristol in the UK, a team of researchers led by Professor Jeremy O’Brien has made significant progress in the development of photonic quantum computing. The team has built a scalable, programmable photonic quantum chip that uses light to carry out calculations. This chip is the result of a decade of research, and has the potential to revolutionize computing by enabling extremely fast calculations that are impossible with classical computers.

In Germany, researchers at the Technical University of Munich have made significant strides in the field of trapped-ion quantum computers. They have developed a new ion trap that is able to hold multiple ions simultaneously, which is a key step towards creating larger and more powerful quantum computers.

In the United States, researchers at IBM have been working on developing a 50-qubit quantum computer. The company recently announced that it has achieved this goal, making it the largest quantum computer currently in existence. This breakthrough has the potential to enable breakthroughs in fields ranging from chemistry to cryptography.

In addition to these breakthroughs, quantum computing researchers in Europe and America are also working together on a number of collaborative projects. For example, IBM and the Fraunhofer Society in Germany are collaborating on a project to develop a next-generation quantum computer. Similarly, the Quantum Flagship initiative, launched by the European Union, aims to bring together researchers from across Europe to accelerate the development of quantum technologies.

While there is still a long way to go before quantum computing becomes commercially viable, the breakthroughs being made by researchers in Europe and America are bringing this technology closer to becoming a reality. As quantum computing becomes more advanced, it has the potential to revolutionize fields ranging from medicine to finance, making it one of the most exciting areas of technological development today.

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